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The Ribadeneira Perez family

"Family... where life begins and love never ends"

Currently, the Hacienda Hipolongo Cruz de Mayo belongs to the Ribadeneira Pérez family, having Mrs. Gladys Pérez de Ribadeneira as matriarch and since 2012, thanks to the idea of the agronomist Vinicio Ribadeneira Benavidez(+)undertake a rural tourism project.


Hacienda Hipolongo Cruz de Mayo has an area of 460 ha which is divided into two zones; the upper zone, which is made up of a pine forest (3,400 masl) and grasslands, located in the Nudo del Igualata paramo (3,800 masl), and the lower zone (3,200 masl) which is made up of areas for pastures and crops , and located the farm house, accommodation area for tourists, camping area,  restaurant, tentadero, "Santísima Cruz de Mayo" chapel and "El Cortijo" events room.

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Agriculture is its main economic activity, becoming considered one of the largest producers of potatoes and carrots in the central highlands region of the country. Additionally, activities related to livestock, raising cattle, horses, cattle and milk production are carried out.


After the Ribadeneira Pérez family began with the rural and farm tourism entrepreneurship initiative, which has promoted community and associative tourism in the Quero canton, this entrepreneurship has the direct support of the Municipal GAD of Quero and the Provincial Government. of Tungurahua.

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